The aim of this task is to organise an intercomparison of indoor radon measurements and geogenic radon measurements (including radon exhalation rate) under field conditions in order to identify physical reasons for possible inconsistencies, particularly related to sampling and measurement techniques. Three different comparisons will be performed:
- indoor radon gas (passive and continuous monitoring devices),
- radon exhalation from soil and
- radon concentration in soil gas.
Participants, primarily those partners involved in WP1 and WP5, will be able to choose either to provide their devices for testing or to carry them to the exercise’s site to be tested under real conditions. UC will be responsible for the management of the comparisons, whilst the selection of participants and the comparison’s site, and the data analysis and production of a peer-reviewed paper will be undertaken by UC and JRC.
The results from the direct comparison between different methodologies will help to identify physical reasons for possible inconsistencies, particularly related to sampling and measurement techniques. If necessary the results could be used in the activities in Task 3.4 on harmonisation, and to motivate development or improvements to standards.