
This is the document section of the MetroRADON website where project outputs are shared.


Newsletters & Status Reports

Deliverables and Activity Reports

Workpackage 1 – Development of novel procedures for the traceable calibration of radon (222Rn) measurement instruments at low activity concentrations:

Deliverable 1 – Method for the traceable calibration of radon (222Rn) measurement instruments at low activity concentrations

Activity report 1.2.2 – EURAMET Project N 1475 International comparison of activity measurements of radon 222 EURAMET.RI(II)-S8.Rn-222

Workpackage 2 – Influence of thoron (220Rn) and its progeny on radon end-user measurements and radon calibrations:

Deliverable 2 – Report on the influence of thoron on radon monitors used in Europe

Activity report 2.3.1 – Review of potential techniques and materials to reduce the influence of thoron on radon measurements and calibrations

Workpackage 3 – Comparison and harmonisation of radon measurement methodologies in Europe:

Deliverable 3 – Report on indoor and geogenic radon surveys in Europe

Deliverable 4 – Report on the results from the on-site comparison of indoor radon measurements and geogenic radon measurements under field conditions

Activity report 3.1.1 – Literature review of indoor radon surveys in Europe, JRC Report, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-97643-8 (online),

Activity report 3.3.4 – Intercomparison of indoor radon and geogenic radon measurements under field conditions

Workpackage 4 – Radon priority areas (RPAs) and the development of the concept of a “Geogenic Radon Hazard Index” (RHI):

Deliverable 5 – Report and guideline on the definition, estimation and uncertainty of radon priority areas (RPA)

Deliverable 6 – Report on the concept and establishment of a Radon Hazard Index (RHI) including an RHI map of Europe

Activity report 4.1.2 – Review and Evaluation of the concepts of the definitions of radon priority areas

Activity report 4.2.3 – Relationship between indoor radon concentration and geogenic radon

Activity report 4.3.2 – Intercomparison exercise on indoor radon at LNR Saelices el Chico (Salamanca, Spain)

Activity report 4.4.2 – Radon mapping exercise

Workpackage 5 – Validation of traceability of European radon calibration facilities:

Deliverable 7 – Validation report on the traceability of primary and secondary radon calibration facilities in Europe

Deliverable 8 – Guideline and recommendations on calibration and measurement procedures for the determination of radon concentration in air

Workpackage 6 – Creating impact:

Deliverable 9 – Evidence of Contributions

Activity report 6.3.2 – Network of European callibration laboratories for radon concentration in air measurement

Activity report 6.3.4 – Guideline on the constituents of the chain “from primary standards to radon maps” (traceability) and the links between them

Journal Publications

  • Peter Bossew, Igor Čeliković, Giorgia Cinelli, Giancarlo Ciotoli, Filipa Domingos,
    Valeria Gruber, Federica Leonardi, Jovana Nikolov, Gordana Pantelić, Alcides Pereira,
    Eric Petermann, Natasa Todorović and Rosabianca Trevisi. On harmonization of radon maps. Journal of the European Radon Association 2022, 3: 7554.
  • Dobromir S. Pressyanov. Inertia in the response of radon monitors introduced by diffusion anti-thoron barriers. Journal of the European Radon Association 2022, 3: 7574.
  • Beck, T.R.; Antohe, A; Cardellini, F.; Cucoş, A; Fialova, E.; Grossi, C.; Hening, K.; Jensen, J.; Kastratović, D.; Krivošik, M.; Lobner,P.; Luca, A.; Maringer, F.-J.; Michielsen, N.; Otahal, P.; Quindos, L.S.P.; Rabago, D.; Sainz, C.F.; Szűcs, L.; Teodorescu, C.; Tolinsson, C.; Tugulan, C.L.; Turtiainen, T.; Vargas A.D.; Vošahlik, J.; Vukoslavovic, G.; Wiedner, H.; Wołoszczuk, K. The Metrological Traceability, Performance and Precision of European Radon Calibration Facilities. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18,  12150.
  • Bossew, P., Cinelli, G., Ciotoli, G., Crowley, Q.G., De Cort, M., Elio Medina, J., Gruber, V., Petermann, E., Tollefsen, T., 2020: Development of a Geogenic Radon Hazard Index – concept, history, experiences, IJERPH 2020, 17(11), 4134,
  • Gruber, V., Baumann, S., Alber, O., Laubbichler, S., Bossew, P., Petermann, E., Ciotoli, G., Pereira, A., Domingos, F., Tondeur, F., Cinelli, G., Fernandez, A., Sainz, C., Quindos-Poncela, L.., 2021: Comparison of radon mapping methods for the delineation of radon priority areas – an exercise, Journal of the European Radon Association, Volume 2,
  • Jobbágy, V., Marouli, M. & Stroh, H. Preparation of multi-purpose radon emanation sources. J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2021).
  • Mertes, F., Röttger, S., Röttger, A. A new primary emanation standard for Radon-222. Appl.Rad.Isot. 156 (2020) 108928.
  • K. Mitev, P. Cassette, D. Pressyanov, S. Georgiev, Ch. Dutsov, N. Michielsen, B. Sabot. Methods for the experimental study of 220Rn homogeneity in calibration chambers. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 165 (2020) 109259.
  • Pressyanov, D., Dimitar D. 2020. The Problem with Temperature Dependence of Radon Diffusion Chambers with Anti-Thoron Barrier. Rom. J. Phys. 65, 801 (2020)
  • Fialova, E., Otahal, P., Vosahlik, J., Mazanova, M. 2020. Equipment for Testing Measuring Devices at a Low-Level Radon Activity Concentration. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (17), 1904.
  • Rabago, D., Fuente, I., Celaya, S., Fernandez, A., Fernandez, E., Quindos, J., Pol, R., Cinelli, G., Quindos, L., Sainz, C. 2020. Intercomparison of Indoor Radon  Measurements Under Field Conditions In the Framework of MetroRADON European Project. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health  17(5), 1780.
  • Otahal, P., Burian, I., 2020. Remarks to history of radon activity concentration metrology. Nukleonika 65(1), p. 45-49.                  
  • Maringer FJ., Wiedner H. and Cardellini F., An innovative quick method for tracable measurement of radon-222 in drinking water. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 155 (2020), 108907.                                                         
  • Sabot, B., Rodrigues, M. and Pierre, S., 2020. Experimental facility for the production of reference atmosphere of radioactive gases (Rn, Xe, Kr, and H isotopes). Applied Radiation and Isotopes 155, 108934.
  • Bossew, P., 2019. Radon priority areas and radon extremes – Initial statistical considerations. Radiation Environment and Medicine 8(2),  94-104.
  • Georgiev, S., Mitev, K., Dutsov, C., Boshkova, T., Dimitrova, I., 2019. Partition Coefficients and Diffusion Lengths of 222Rn in Some Polymers at Different Temperatures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(22), 4523.                                                              
  • Pressyanov, D., Santiago Quindos Poncela, L., Georgiev, S., Dimitrova, I., Mitev, K., Sainz, C., Fuente, I., Rabago, D., 2019. Testing and calibration of CDs as radon detectors at highly variable radon concentrations and temperatures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(17), 3038.
  • Pantelić, G., Čeliković, I., Živanović, M., Vukanac, I., Nikolić, JK., Cinelli, G., Gruber, V., 2019. Qualitative overview of indoor radon surveys in Europe. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204, p. 163-174.
  • Bossew, P., Radon Priority Areas – Definition, Estimation and Uncertainty, Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 33, 3 (2018), p. 286-292,


Workshops, Trainings & Exercises