The aim of this work package is to ensure significant impact of the project through appropriate dissemination and uptake of the results and outputs, and exchange of knowledge and feedback between external bodies and the partners. The external bodies include national authorities, policy makers, regulators, industry, standardisation bodies and technical committees such as CEN, CENELEC, ISO, IEC, EURAMET TC-IR, BIPM
CCRI(II) and international bodies and associations such as BIPM, ICRM, ICRU, IAEA, WHO, IRPA, ICRP, ERA, COIRA.
The need for this project has been largely motivated by the requirements of the EU-BSS which aims to protect the public by reducing their exposure to radon. This project will foster quality assurance of certain technical procedures which facilitate the achievement of the aims of the EU-BSS.
Knowledge transfer is particularly important for new developments and results whose impacts on different levels of the “supply chain” that leads to the overall aim of radon control, namely the reduction of exposure to radon and subsequently of the health risk, can be expected to be particularly relevant.
Task 6.1 Knowledge transfer
Task 6.2 Training
Task 6.3 Uptake and exploitation